Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Some kind of weird blog chain thing

My blog hero, Danielle, roped me into this strange bloggers' game. Being that she is, to me, the alpha and omega of bloggers, and since it is not exactly a trial to do so, I will play along. However, since I don't read any blogs but hers and my blog bredrens', I'm going to make up my own rules and not tag any new bloggers at the end. Everything I could ever hope to know about Deebo (and life) I have learned from TwerpsWorld, and there are a lot of things I would probably rather not know about the Steady Bloggin' familia. What they've offered to say about themselves to this point has been...illuminating enough. Let's leave it at that.

Here's how it works:

1. Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog. (Done.)

2. Share 7 facts about yourself. (I'm gonna.)

3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. (Nope, and if you don't like it, I'm taking my ball and going home.)

4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. (Not applicable.)

Seven Facts About Me:

1) I hate guns. Whenever a police officer is near, I imagine horrifying scenarios where someone gets a hold of his/her gun and starts bucking wildly, or the officer goes on a shooting rampage, or something else happens where the gun will be fired in my proximity, and I will die of gunshot wounds or a heart attack or both.

2) Though I am an obvious rap geek, I barely listened to any new rap from the years of 1994 to 1998. For many, these are the "golden" years.

3) My favorite color is purple.

4) I don't really enjoy nature. When I travel, I prefer to go to other cities than to go camping or whatever. I can appreciate a nice sunrise, but then I want to go back to an actual bed with an actual mattress and actual pillows.

5) As a general rule, I have more respect for and seek the counsel of ladies over men. As MF DOOM says, a lotta dudes is too rude, and there's too many "let's not, and say we do" dudes.

6) I bought at least six new pairs of Adidas this year and not one new pair of pants.

7) I have a recurring dream where there is a fire at my house and everything I own is incinerated. Instead of being a panicky nightmare, it's actually quite a soothing dream, and I often wake up disappointed that I still have so much crap.

There you have it! The rest will need to wait for my tell-all unauthorized biography. Which drug did I sniff from the cleavage of a pre-op Carmen Electra? You'll have to buy the book to find out!


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