Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What did the Pilgrim say to the Native at the first Thanksgiving?

"Thanks for inviting us to this swell feast. To show our appreciation, here's some smallpox and pestilence."

"Allow me to cut the cornbread for everyone; we Pilgrims will take these big chunks over here, and you Indians can make do with whatever fits in this here thimble."

"Let me say grace before we eat. Indians, you can plug your ears and avert your gazes."

"The Indians are savages and will be the end of civilized culture! ...I didn't mean you, Bubbling Creek. You're one of the good ones."

"This stew is great. What did you say it was called? 'Roanoke Survivor Surprise'? Whatever it is, it's fantastic."

"Okay, so you put the ingredients in a casserole dish, then leave it in the oven Until the New Moon Passes Over the Sacred Ritual Mound, and then you're done? How easy!"

"That was the best pumpkin pie I've ever had. We probably won't steal any more of your land until this is digested."

"Let's see, we got corn, cornbread, corn fritters, creamed corn, popcorn, and corn soup. You Indians sure are regular, huh?"

"Six beads and a jug of whiskey for some turkey? We bought Rhode Island for less than that."

"You may be soulless savages, destined to writhe in Hellfire for all eternity, but these radish florets are divine."

"I'll have seconds on the turkey, sweet potatoes, and the stuffing...I think I've had my fill of the skunk tail and fire ant goulash, thanks."

"Just so you know, this doesn't make up for the scalpings."


Anonymous Anonymous said...


nice man

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goulash! You're killin it ReggieBird.

10:28 PM  

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