Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Writing from an internet cafe

Right now, I am writing this blog from an internet cafe in Paris. I got in late last night, around 11 PM Paris time, and went straight up to my hotel room to settle in and get some much-needed bedrest. I took out my laptop and attempted to access the internet, only to find that the hotel's promised wireless connection was on the fritz. Damn it! I called down to the lobby and advised them of this problem, and they said they were aware of it and it was being worked on. This morning, the connection still wasn't working, so the concierge told me about an internet cafe a block away, and gave me some vouchers I could use until the hotel's connection was back up.
It's a very nice internet cafe, more into ambience and being a coffee shop than it is about being a hireable access to the internet. I have to use some clunky old G5 Macintosh computers (ugh!) but I suppose beggars can't be choosers. They serve some food here, I got a croissant and a can of Coke; the croissant is good but honestly I think the ones at the 7-11 are better and more hygienic. I'm glad to be in Paris, my first trip overseas, so I can finally see how they do things in Europe. For starters, they are not as interested in maintaining their wireless internet connections here as we are in America!
There's a girl sitting next to me, I think she's French. Whatever she is, she's not American because the pages she's looking at on the internet are all in some weird language. I think it's a news site because it looks like it's all these articles with bylines, but I can't be sure. She doesn't smell badly like people told me that Europeans can smell. I can't really discern any smell from her at all, not without really leaning in and taking a whiff. I don't think she would appreciate that, though. There's two other guys here in the cafe, one is a slight, balding man with glasses and the other a fat hairy guy with a beard that looks like he smells. But he's all the way on the other side of the room, so I'm not going over to find out.
I'm glad I finally got some internet access so I can keep up with important things while I am on vacation. I don't really know what to do here, I hear there's a famous museum but I probably won't do more than check it out from the outside because it has an internet tour that is much less crowded (lol!). I also saw the Eiffel Tower this morning while on my way to this cafe, if I have time after I read and respond to my e-mail and check in on my brethren at the World of Warcraft forum, I'll go see what that's about. I hear the McDonald's serve beer here, I'm definitely going to see what that is about. I'll check back in with the blogosphere tomorrow when hopefully my hotel has its internet connection back--if not, it's another day at the cafe, I suppose.


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