Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I'm sick of everyone jocking my style

A lot of people look at me as a follower, but really I am a trend-setter. I hate looking like everyone else out there. I guess that's the hip-hop in me, always trying to be original and outdoing everyone else's style. But people bite--oh man, how they bite! It's been going on my whole life, since I was a little kid. I was the first person to wear flip-up sunglasses at my elementary school after I saw Dwayne Wayne wear them on A Different World. I was stylin'! Then that punk Mark Heston shows up the very next week rocking the exact same pair. I almost snatched them right off his face.
The trick to staying ahead of the curve is to wear increasingly more ridiculous clothing each time you change up your style. It also helps if your clothing is outrageously priced. This tends to thin out the herd of people that are daring enough to look fashionable. Like my four-hundred dollar zip-up hoodie with the all-over pink lipsticks pattern. A lot of guys aren't fashionable enough to wear that. Most certainly wouldn't have the fashion sense to wear them with pink patent leather sneakers with the Valentine's heart on the tongue, or the pink velour chaps that say "FRESH" in graffiti lettering down the side. You really have to be an innovator to pull something like that off.
But people still try to jock the look, and you've just got to keep it moving. I'll do whatever it takes to stay fashionable. I've got a line of oversized onesies with rubber duckies and posies that I am just itching to unleash this Spring. I picked them up from a fetish website, so I think that will throw people off the trail for a little while. They also threw in color-coordinated pacifiers, which is dope, in a kind of retro Club Limelight way. There was also a studded dog collar in the package, but I don't think it's going to blend with my new wardrobe. I wish they had sent it last Fall, when I was really cultivating the leather chaps and aviator sunglasses look. It took me forever to grow the proper mustache, but it was well worth it when I saw my friends' jaws drop in surprise. Regular people don't know how to react to the fashionable.
As for what's next, who knows? I'm subject only to my whims and fancies, and my desire to dress differently than everyone else. I can't front, though, sometimes I see people that as fashionable as me, and I get a little jealous. Like Pharell! Did you see what he was wearing at the Video Music Awards last year! Oh, I could have just eaten him up! Uh, in a fashion sense, that is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this aloud to Mike and C. HI-LARIOUS!
And such a great observation-this guys at our job, so trying to be fabulous-able, with his Ed Hardy trucker, and the craziest all-over hoodies (although those skull ones are cool), and coral sneakers, and we were so confused and relieved to find come upon his myspace orientation. Can you guess what it is?
We couldn't.

10:45 PM  

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