Thursday, January 04, 2007

Your bravery is an inspiration to me

I knew you were courageous from the moment I met you. Unafraid to speak your mind and take calculated risks, you are a breath of fresh air in my life. But it wasn't until last Sunday, when we went to see the football game at Giants Stadium, that I realized how brave you truly are. There we were, in the belly of the beast, and you had the unabashed audacity to wear a cap bearing the logo of the New York Jets! Oh how I admire and and respect you for that.
Some people would have thought it disrespectful or contrary, but I know that you were making a small statement in the hopes of shaking things up a bit. You wanted to unsettle those haughty sports fans from their coccoon of shared fandom. It matters not that you couldn't name one player on the Jets, or that you don't even like football that much to begin with. That just makes your statement all the more outrageous and satisfying. Some would have been embarassed, but I was proud to be attending the game with someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind, even when it's unpopular. I wish there were more people in the world like you.
I was tempted to defend your honor when some Giants fans deigned to call you a "loser" and a "fag." I wanted to stand up, turn around, and point my finger in accusation at them. How could a "loser" show such bravery in a stadium full of opposition? Would a "fag" be so bold as to wear the cap of another team at a sporting event? But I held my tongue, not wanting to tarnish your subtle but effective statement about the futility of sports fanatacism. Bravo to you, my stalwart and courageous friend. You are a true revolutionary, swimming against the tide of conformity. Keep paddling, for all our sakes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love this.

when pops went to a raiders game wearing a 49ers jacket, i felt the same way.

1:51 PM  

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