Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Won't you please lend a hand?

I know it hurts to think about the millions of impoverished people in the world that desperately need your help. It's so much easier to click away from this blog and look at pornography. But that won't make the problem go away. And it won't make the millions of people, like li'l Jethro here, go away either.

There is a country on this planet of ours where millions go hungry, or are without clean drinking water or adequate shelter. Where they receive substandard education, or no formal education at all. A country where tens of millions do not have adequate health care. The worst thing about it is they don't even know how bad they have it. But you know. And you can do something to help.

For a dollar a day--that's the price of one-tenth of a litre of gasoline--you can help these unfortunate souls and save them from themselves. The Christian Children's Fund is a well-respected and long-standing charitable organization, so you know your money will be put to good use. It's time that we, the people of the civilized world, banded together and helped out the less fortunate, be it in Darfur, Ethiopia, or--in this case--America. So please, open your hearts and your wallets, so that Jethro here can learn to bathe himself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So which one is Jethro--the fat guy with the pot belly or the cute furry guy. I'm in for a dollar a day for the furry guy, but fatso can lose a little weight.

4:00 PM  

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